
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Monogatari Series S2 06

>implying you wouldn't
>tfw the lead singer of WHITE ASH(who does the OP for Gatchaman) looks identical to RuiRui

Anywho, so uh, about this weeks episode Seems it's a recap. And by recap I mean literally a shortened version of Nekomonogatari Kuro. So we're assuming you saw that, if you didn't, go watch it. We're going to go ahead and take the night off since it's a complete waste to do it, also we still have no script, so we're not staying up to the wee hours of the morning waiting. Yes, we'll get it done for the batch. If we get motivated we may even have it out before next week, which SPOILER ALERT: is going to be another recap... probably. But this all hinges on if we get a script, because like hell I'm doing a full TL of this just for shits and giggles when perfectly acceptable UTW subs exist.

And here's this week's staff chan feature:
<DaBear> >still no script
<DaBear> jesus they're not actually doing it tonight
<DaBear> and now im worried
<DaBear> they may not do it for a recap
<DaBear> and i REALLY dont want to have to do a full TL
<forks> maybe you can bribe albel727 to help
<forks> DaBear, albel is actually a hot blonde from east siberia
<forks> knows japanese like.. regionally and shit you know?
<Aesop> blonde from siberia, yeah
<forks> ice queen
<DaBear> lol
<DaBear> >east siberia
<DaBear> >blonde
<klaxa> fucking what
<klaxa> it's fucking nekomonogatari
<klaxa> wtf
<DaBear> >not remaining mongol
<klaxa> SHAFT
<DaBear> lol
<DaBear> someone said that earlier
<DaBear> im really wondering if HS does this
<DaBear> because its a recap
<DaBear> also i would laugh my ass off if the next three weeks were neko
<forks> is it really nekomonogatari kuro?
<forks> the fuck
<klaxa> so far it seemed like it
<klaxa> DaBear, daisuki is delaying
<klaxa> not HS apparently
<klaxa> but on the other hand i can't view anything on daisuki
<klaxa> you run windows, no? can you try?
<forks> their shit is probably jacked up, across the board
<forks> some content server somewhere caught fire and there are technicians running around with fire extinguishers
<DaBear> lolwut
<DaBear> did they really
<forks> i'm just joking/guessing
<DaBear> if so, oh well, we'll be late too, not that it matters
<klaxa> we can just say: "lol go watch nekomonogatari again and wait a few weeks
<DaBear> is it really the first 30mins of kuro?
<forks> "maybe we'll put it in the batch"
<DaBear> lolololol
<DaBear> yes
<DaBear> lets take a week off
<DaBear> ill make the laziness post on the blog
<Aesop> recap episode looks like
<forks> it's apparently the shit from bakemonogatari, where they first find the white cat
<klaxa> cut and pasted nekomonogatari black
<klaxa> that's what it is
<Aesop> so entire story of tsubasa in an episode
<DaBear> lol
<DaBear> alright
<DaBear> so uhh
<klaxa> i compared the raw with UTW's nekomonogatari subs
<DaBear> lets just say fuck it
<klaxa> if you sync it up correctly, you get the same shit except for some audio stuff


  1. Honestly, I wouldn't watch a recap anyway so taking the week off is totally fine by me.

  2. Is this week's episode a recap too?
