
Monday, July 8, 2013

Monogatari Series Second Season Episode 01

Adaptation of the second season of the Monogatari Series.

DaBear Edit: So we may be doing a v2 later since I'm now a part of this janks and will be TLCing. Expect future releases Sunday early afternoon EST at the absolute latest. Would be earlier, but not all of us can be NEETs. Oh, and just in case DK sees this: MERRY FUCKING DOKO?


  1. Much appreciated! If you're doing a v2, one small suggestion - can you put the names back in the same order they're spoken? Like "Hanekawa Tsubasa". Daisuki reversed them.

    Thanks again!

    1. Absolutely, such a good idea we should have already thought of it.

    2. would appreciate it too^^ and honorifix would be nice too *puppy eyes*

    3. @ketsune
      v1 already has honorifics, happy to say.

      (I do hope I'm not double-posting, I can't tell if the first try failed or is just pending approval.)

    4. > v1 already has honorifics, happy to say.

      o(・∇・o)(o・∇・)o ヤッタ! haven't downloaded it yet bc of the v2 announcement, but now it'll be sure that i will when the v2 is coming out^^

      thanks a lot Node Fansubs!!!

  2. Thanks for your work, are you a new fansub? or this is a new site?

  3. Is it possible for you to use the term "oddity" rather than "apparition"?
