Easily one of the best shows this season.
Yay I get to write a release post! DaBear hasn't sniped me this week, so I get the honor to leave a few words. This week's episode is pretty damn late and there are several reasons for it which I cannot possibly list all. Two of them definitely are HS releasing late as fuck and the fuckton of great editing and TLC forks and the Siberian Ice Queen did respectively. Another one is lectures starting for me and a lot of other shit going on. We will most likely not be able to keep up the pace we had at the beginning because of both of these things, however the quality of the script should be heavily improved by this.
DaBear Edit: I knew I should have made the post earlier, damn klaxa being productive. Anywho, here's a quick Q&A to help answer a couple questions.
Q: Where's Ep 17?
A: On its way. Should be out Saturday, but since we're not used to working on shit in this timeframe, don't count that as set in stone. Either way, it should be out by the end of the weekend at the absolute latest.
Q: Will Ep 18 be on time(aka the 12-14 time frame)?
A: Hopefully™. Depends on HS schedule and how bad the script is this week(note: daisuki has gotten progressively worse). Theoretically, if all things go as I would expect them(delays from HS, moderately annoying script, some minor shenanigans here and there) Monday should be the release date. That said, as a Meteorology major, you know how reliable us weather peoples' predictions are.
Q: Should I buy a 3DS and Pokemon X/Y?
A: Yes, yes you should. Go do it. Now. I may or may not own both and be on my second playthrough(this time in english). I intended to play through my second time as the boy character, but holy shit does the girl make me HNNNNGGGGG with that fist pump after winning battles. 10/10 would adopt.
Q: Are you completely wrong on those first two?
A: It would seem so:
<klaxa> yes, episode 18 on monday?
<klaxa> ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
<klaxa> episode 17 by the end of this weekend?
<klaxa> WA HA HA ξ・∀・ξ MAH DRILLS
DaBear Edit: I knew I should have made the post earlier, damn klaxa being productive. Anywho, here's a quick Q&A to help answer a couple questions.
Q: Should I buy a 3DS and Pokemon X/Y?
A: Yes, yes you should. Go do it. Now. I may or may not own both and be on my second playthrough(this time in english). I intended to play through my second time as the boy character, but holy shit does the girl make me HNNNNGGGGG with that fist pump after winning battles. 10/10 would adopt.
Q: Are you completely wrong on those first two?
A: It would seem so:
<klaxa> yes, episode 18 on monday?
<klaxa> ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
<klaxa> episode 17 by the end of this weekend?
<klaxa> WA HA HA ξ・∀・ξ MAH DRILLS